
google saved my bacon today

So, every once in a while something happens where you stop and think, 'wow....that's pretty cool. thank goodness for technology'. Seems like that has happened less and less since I have gotten used to the iphone, GPS, Mint.com, or anything else that makes everyday tasks 'idiot proof'.

Just a minute ago, I was going to send an email. Like I do probably about 2 or 3 times a week, I got more caught up in the body of the email than the attachments and forgot to attach a file that I was meaning to send. Normally I would have pressed send, been content that I had accomplished something, then been sadly disappointed in myself when I got an email back from a friend or colleague saying, 'hey doofus....you forgot the attachment'. Few things are as embarrassing. So maybe that's a little dramatic but really I hate when I do that.

Luckily, Google and I are tight and they have my back.....so this happened instead:

So, the moral of the story is.....wow, that's pretty cool. I didn't say it was going to be a really interesting post so you can't be too disappointed.

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