
Love these kids!

Scott and I were able to go down to Mexico again with Kaiizen. We had an absolute blast! Since we have been down to the orphanage several times now, we have really gotten to know the kids and we love them so much! They are the sweetest kids. This trip we took the kids to the beach. A lot of them had never been before even though they only live a few minutes away. All of them loved the beach! We also taught at the school and made slime with the kids. We had a marshmallow fight with everyone.. it was pretty crazy and messy. We also just hung out with the kids at the orphanage and of course played a lot of soccer. The World Cup started when we were there and we got to watch the Mexico vs. South Africa game with all the orphans.. it was an experience. A lot of them were up at 5 in the morning to watch the opening ceremonies.. they are definitely hard-core soccer fans!
We are so grateful for the opportunity we have had to be involved in such an amazing organization. Every time we come home we realize how blessed we are for all the things we have.. especially our wonderful parents and families. These kids teach us so much.. they are still so happy even though they have so little. We already miss the kids a ton!!

Moab Trip

These are long overdue pictures, but I thought I would still post a few! We went to Moab with Long's, Ahlstrom's, and Pressley's. We camped, biked the practice loop at slick rock, went to arches, and hiked up to Delicate arch. We had such a fun time and it was nice to get out of Provo. Thanks for a rad trip guys!


Need a new do?

Maybe you will be interested in one of these hairstyles! These are just a few pictures from the hair show I went to a few weeks ago. Taylor Andrews put it on and I went with Ashli and Brooke. I had never been to a hair show before but it was really fun! Definitely some crazy hair!