
Baby bump!

As I am sure many of you have heard by now...


We couldn't be more excited! I am just over 17 weeks, due March 15th, and we found out this past week that we think we are having a BOY!! The doctor said there is about a 15% chance of a mistake with an early ultrasound but we are having another ultrasound at the beginning of November so hopefully it will be more clear then! Here is the first picture we have taken of the baby bump!


Summer Time

We are still alive! This summer has just been so crazy.. We have been out of town so much! I can't believe the summer is over already. A few things we have been up to this summer:

-Cruise to Mexico with the lady I work with
-Scott's first mountain bike race at Soldier Hollow
-Weekend trip to St. George with the Ahlstrom's
-Les Miserables at Capital Theater
-Trip to Colorado/ Moab with a few of our besties for a week
-Family reunion in Iowa with the Rodebush side of the family
-Family reunion in Beaver with the Sorensen side of the family
-Kyle spending the weekend in Provo with us
-Family trip to Lake Blaine with the Evanson's- getting to play on the lake with our nieces and nephews for a week
-Saying goodbye to a lot of our friends as they move for grad school and jobs

This summer really has been super fun but it has definitely been busy as well! We got to go on lots of awesome trips the past couple of months. The worst part of the summer was saying goodbye to so many of our best friends. It has been a big change for us because we have been in the same ward since we have been married and have had such an amazing group of friends this whole time. We look forward to traveling to different parts of the country to visit all our friends!

* I have been a total slacker with taking pictures this summer so I'm sorry for the lack of pics. Here are a few though.*


We will miss you!

My great grandma, Grandma Mimi, passed away last night. She was 97 years old and lived a long and happy life. It was fun knowing Grandma Mimi so well because so many people don't ever get to meet their great grandparents. Although she was old and it was her time to go, we will miss her so so much! We love and will miss you Grandma!



The past several weeks have been spent watching the NBA playoff games almost every other day or however often there were games on. It has actually been a lot of fun though! Scott and I both enjoy watching sports so it is fun to watch them together and with our friends! Scott also got to go to game 4 of the finals in Dallas and had a BLAST!! I, of course, was super jealous but was glad he had such a great time. Well.. yesterday it all came to an end! I was hoping for the OKC thunder to win it all but the Mavs were the next best team to win it and I think Dirk and the other players on the Mavs deserved a win! I guess we will have a break from watching sports on t.v. for a while since we all know no one would want to watch baseball on t.v.! I guess we will be awaiting football season to start!
** Scott gets credit for the title of this blog post. I'm not creative with titles!**


Les Miserables

On Saturday Scott and I got to have such a fun date.. Scott's favorite Broadway is Les Miserables and for Christmas my parents surprised us with tickets to go see it at Capital Theater! We have been awaiting this weekend for several months!! We also ate at Takashi, Scott's favorite sushi restaurant that I had never even been to.. and of course it was a hit. The show was so amazing and we just had such a blast together! Here are a few pics from the night! p.s. Thanks again mom and dad for the tix! It made for a memorable night for sure!!



Scott and I finally graduated! Scott has a couple of classes left, but he was able to walk with me. He wasn't too excited to walk in graduation, but after the fact I think he is glad that he did. It was so fun to get to walk together and have all our family there. We had such a blast! It doesn't actually seem like we are done.. we have both been at BYU for so long! I think it will feel more weird in the fall when I am not taking classes. The plan now: I am going to continue working at Chrysalis and I am working as an athletic trainer for summer sports camps at BYU through the summer. I will most likely start looking for a "real job" in the next month or so and hopefully start somewhere in the fall. Scott will continue working at Response and finish his last couple classes and he will be officially done in December. We are excited (and a bit nervous) about starting a new phase of life!!

p.s. I tried to add more pictures but blogger was having problems! Maybe Scott can help me figure it out later and then we will put up more grad pics!


Heather Evanson, ATC

A few weeks ago I took my certification exam for athletic training so that I could be a certified athletic trainer (ATC). It's a pretty big deal (and when I say pretty big deal.. I mean huge deal) because if you don't pass, you can't practice as an athletic trainer. It's the kind of test that no one feels good about after taking because you think for sure that you failed.

I have been waiting for the results for 2 and a half weeks! Well, yesterday we were at our friends, the Harts, and I looked at my phone and realized I had gotten an email. I opened my email and the subject was, "BOC pass/fail results posted." My heart started pounding and I was so nervous. I opened up the email and...


It is just such a relief and I am so grateful that I passed. I was really worried I was going to have to continue studying and take it again in June so I am glad I don't have to do that!


I can't believe that...

3 years ago today Scott and I got engaged!!

It seriously does not seem like it was that long ago.. It has been an amazing 3 years though with so many fun memories! Scott is just the sweetest and best husband anyone could ask for (sorry to be mushy.. but it's true)!


It's all about the purple!!

For my clinical this semester, I am working with the women's basketball team at BYU! I have absolutely loved it... all the girls are so sweet and fun! One of our players, Alexis Kaufusi, was diagnosed with cancer about a month ago. Originally she was diagnosed with hodgkin's lymphoma but later found out that she actually has non-hodgkin's lymphoma. Well, the color of awareness for hodgkin's lymphoma is purple so even when she was diagnosed with non-hodgkin's they decided to stick with purple! Even though this has been a trial for the whole team, it has been so awesome to just see how everyone has come together to support her. She has been in all of our prayers and we wish her the best of luck through this fight! Love ya, Fus!
Utah's basketball team got purple shirts made to warm up in the day we played them. I just thought it was so cool that even though we are rivals, they totally supported Fus in this battle.
Purple nails, of course. The whole team painted their nails purple!
The whole team with their new warm up shirts. It's kinda hard to see but they say AK 10 with a purple ribbon.

**Check out Alexis' blog with all the updates throughout this battle: alexiskaufusi.blogspot.com


Stake v-day photo booth

Our stake had a Valentines dance and they had an area to get your picture taken.. like prom or something! :) Here are a couple pics of Scott and I!


Love this boy!

Just wanted to say happy birthday to the love of my life! It also happens to be Valentines day! :) So I figured with the combination of the two, it calls for one of these I love you posts! I know they are somewhat cheesy but I am just super grateful to have Scott in my life! He is the best husband anyone could ever ask for and I feel lucky everyday that I was so blessed to meet, marry, and spend eternity with him!!! Love you Scott!



Every time Scott and I hear about a blood drive I always suggest that we should donate. Scott always comes up with a reason he can't. After the first few times I suggested this I clued in that he was slightly afraid of needles. After I figured this out, I stopped really asking him about it because I figured he wouldn't donate. Well... a couple of weeks ago in church they announced that we would be having a stake blood drive. I didn't even think about signing up because I knew Scott wasn't down for it. After church though, he told me that he had signed us up. I was super surprised but he told me that he had read an article about the blood shortages and realized it was a great way to serve so he decided he would face his fear. So this past Friday, we went to the church to donate blood. I showed up a little late so Scott was just about finished filling out the paperwork. He got in the chair to donate blood and I was still waiting to fill out the papers so I was standing right next to him. He looked a little nervous and I'm sure the guy throwing up behind him didn't help to calm his nerves. The guy prepped his arm though and stuck the needle in, Scott just didn't look and he did great! Shortly after they put the needle in, I went into a little cubby to fill out my paperwork. I had been in there for about 5 minutes and I heard a couple of the ladies saying, "Scott.... Scott... Scott...." I immediately jumped up realizing that this didn't sound good. I came out to see that Scott was completely passed out.. face white.. eyes rolled back into his head. Turns out he had made it completely through giving blood with the needle out and everything and he just couldn't resist looking at the bag of blood and it made him queasy I think. I was a bit nervous but none of the workers seemed phased by it which made me not quite as freaked out. After being out for a second, he started kind of convulsing. I thought he was having a seizure but one of the guys told me it was basically just his muscles reacting to him losing so much blood. Finally, after what seemed like forever, he came out of it. He didn't feel so great, but after some water, ice packs, and pretzels we eventually were able to leave. Needless to say.. he didn't have to greatest first experience but I was super proud of him for facing his fear. We are just hoping he was able to save someones life because of that blood!!

(I'm sad to say that I did not capture any pictures of this event... after the fact we realized we should have snapped a few shots.)


Good Luck Masters!!

Some of our good friends left for China yesterday! We met the Masters about a year-ish ago and have been great friends since they moved into our ward! They will be in China for about 6 months teaching business english! We wish you the best of luck Danny and Amber!! We will miss you!!