There are so many things in my life to be thankful for and I figure since Thanksgiving is a couple days away, it's a good time to name just a few of the many, many things I am so thankful for! (In no particular order)
My absolutely AMAZING husband!! I can not imagine my life without him. He is the greatest husband anyone could ask for and has been there with me through everything, lots and lots of great and fun things and some hard times too, the past couple of years.
Our wonderful families! They are such a support to us in so many ways. Couldn't have asked for better parents as role models of what we want to be like or better siblings to be our best friends!
Our Savior, Jesus Christ and his atoning sacrifice for all of his children.
BYU and our education.
The best of friends anyone could ever ask for! We have no idea what we would do without our friends, some who have basically been our families out at school. (Disclaimer- these are not the only friends we are grateful for! There are so many more friends who have been a blessing to us and who are our best friends!)
The temple and the opportunity to be sealed to Scott so we can live with our family for eternity.
Living in the United States and the many freedoms afforded to us.
El Sauzal, the kids, and the friends we have met through volunteering at the orphanage. Volunteering at El Sauzal has been one of the greatest opportunities we have ever had to serve. We love those kids.
Yesterday I was thinking about the fact that Scott and I will be graduating pretty soon and I realized that I don't think I'm ready to grow up! College has been such a huge part of our life and we have met some of the best friends we could ever ask for. Most of our best friends will be graduating with us in April and we will all be going our separate ways. Am I ready for this? Definitely not! (I try not to think about it and hold on to the small hope that we will somehow all end up in the same place!) I sometimes don't do too well with change. Don't get me wrong.. I am elated to be done with school soon! Just not too excited about having to get a real job, being a real adult, making all new friends, etc. I guess I have just gotten comfortable with where we are, especially since I have been in college for 5 years! Anyways, I think I am kind of rambling but I guess even though I don't necessarily want to, we have to grow up eventually. We are just so grateful for all the amazing friends we have made through our time at college that will be some of our best friends for the rest of our lives. Here are a few memories from our college years!
It has been forever since I updated so there are a ton of pictures that I wanted to post. I won't bore you with explaining them all, but these are a few of the places we went over the summer and things we have done lately. Pictures include New York (thanks to Mark and Lib for an unforgettable trip), the mud run Scott did, our trip to DC, and a weekend get away to Goblin Valley.